Keeping Your Divorce Case Out of Court

“If I could make a better way so you could see a better day, baby I would.” – Author Unknown

At one time in recent history, you and another person chose one another forever. It was clear at the time that there was no one on earth you trusted more and no one you would rather involve in the intimate details of your future. Now, for any of a multiplicity of causes, that has changed. When divorce seems to be imminent and unavoidable, emotions run high and questions arise as to how it all happened. That being said, is it worth it to hand over the trajectory of your future, the disbursement of your assets, and the custody of your children to a black robed stranger in a random Arizona court room? In addition, once you go to trial, your most personal information and hurtful things said to and by you will be made public record. Surely there has to be a better way to do this. The good news is there is a better way. In fact there are a few options available to couples to keep their divorce out of court. Divorce is essentially the dissolution of the marriage itself (which is a legal matter), the rest is about the fair and equitable disbursement of assets and financial and relational responsibilities in child rearing. Deciding these terms can be done through a series of strategic meetings if the two of you are at such a place emotionally to be able to see this like that through to the end. Choosing a peace-minded attorney to advise you would be an important part of this option. In addition to the approach of simply meeting face-to-face is the option of mediation. Mediation is not there to assign responsibilities or decide who gets what. An experienced mediator will be able to lead you and your spouse through the process of making all the decisions that need to be made. The concerns and issues you and your spouse have are heard and processed in the spirit of amicable negotiation. Mediation is a popular choice among spouses who want to save the expense of going to trial and take control of the conversation. No matter how hurt you and your spouse may be a mediation lead by the right mediator can be the very best option for your future and the future of your kids. Let the experienced and knowledgeable team at the Law Office of Ronald L. Kossack be a part of pursuing what’s best for you and your children, keeping your divorce out of Arizona courts. Our aim is to listen to your specific concerns and needs and help your family find resolution in a quick and agreeable manner. To discuss your options with a Tempe mediation attorney, contact us online or by calling 480-345-2652.

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