How To Make And Break A Premarital Agreement In Arizona

A growing number of marriages in Arizona are second or subsequent marriages, and these relationships often involve substantial property division issues, since both husband and wife have substantial assets and debts, and inheritance issues, due to the presence of stepchildren. Left unattended, these matters often lead to protracted and expensive litigation in family or probate…

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Some Differences Between Fault And No-Fault Divorces

In 1969, California Governor Ronald Reagan, who had promised to “put welfare bums to work” during the gubernatorial campaign, signed one of the nation’s first no-fault divorce laws. Although at the time, no-fault divorce was a very progressive concept, almost all other states quickly followed suit, and the divorce rate skyrocketed throughout the 1970s and…

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The ABCs Of Mediation

Prior to mediation, over 90 percent of divorce litigants believe that the procedure will be a complete waste of time because they reason that if they could have talked through their problems, they would not be involved in marriage dissolution litigation. Yet over 70 percent of the litigants who voluntarily enter mediation resolve all outstanding…

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The Importance Of Temporary Hearings

There is much wisdom in the old saying that “possession is nine-tenths of the law,” particularly in family law cases because most judges prefer to uphold the status quo, even if things are less than perfect. For example, in divorce child custody disputes, the parent who currently has custody nearly always retains that status, absent…

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Understanding Alimony In The Grand Canyon State

In Arizona and most other states, there is considerable debate as to the nature of spousal support. Some people believe these payments should be limited, with the objective of helping the obligee (spouse receiving payments) to achieve economic self-sufficiency, while others see alimony as an important part of the divorce property settlement and a way…

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